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"Bonita Mesa"
2024, Oil on Canvas' 24” x 30"

Bonita Mesa, Oil on Canvas, by Mary Ann Salomone, artist

Any creative endeavor has its ebbs and flows. I was in one of these ebbs and searching for new inspiration. I reflected on the things that are important to me and being Italian and from New York…the answer to that question was a “no-brainer” ….FOOD!!!  The first trip to the food store I collected a bunch of vegetables but they actually went bad before I could settle on a composition. My compost prospered while I was still clueless. Who thinks of that??? So, back to the store, came home, quickly set up a photo shoot right on the marbleized paper I had recently bought from the art store, well, just because it was so beautiful. To bring a bit of whimsy, I added a rose, a butterfly, and my favorite shape in the world…the spiral in the Nautilus Shell. The result rendered this lovely collage. I have to say, this piece was challenging. It was not an easy piece to paint. It took a stretch on my part to master the subtleties of the colors and shapes, but a challenge is always a good thing…you are forced to grow. Therefore, I am especially proud to present this new piece.

© Copyright by Mary Ann Salomone | Santa Fe, NM

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